3rd & 4th MARCH 2020 – ZARAGOZA (SPAIN)

3TIndustry4.0 working team
On March 3rd & 4th, the consortium of 3T Industry4.0 project met in Zaragoza for the second progress meeting.
During the meeting, they analysed the results of the different surveys launched in January in each partner country concerning the training needs regarding Industry4.0 for in-company trainers and VET teachers. Each partner also prepared a synthesis mentioning existing training courses related to Industry of the Future and its technologies for different audiences.
After discussions, the consortium chose the technologies that it will work on for the training modules creation: 3D printing, manufacturing and prototyping, predictive maintenance, cybersecurity, VR for training for TT, lean 4.0, artificial intelligence, MIX reality: virtual and augmented, IOT, smart devices and connected factory.
Some modules will be declined for the school public.
The partners also worked on the definition of the template and format of the modules and on the preparation of modules realisation: next month’s work. The next meeting has been scheduled for the beginning of September.