The 3TIndustry4.0 consortium first met in Decazeville (France), the 04th and 05th of September, 2019 for the kick-off meeting of the project. This European project, financed by Erasmus + program, is based on an innovative model which will connect two types of professionals in education: teachers in higher education and industry trainers. This encounter will enable the transfer of skills between the two groups of professionals and meet the needs of industry4.0. The core of 3TIndustry4.0 is the creation of online training modules and of a network of collaboration throughout Europe. To achieve this goal, the project’s partners will analyze industrial training needs and will propose relevant e-learning. The project brings together partners from Spain, Germany, and France, who will be working for the next 2 years to create trainings of high quality content.
The project coordinator, Mecanic Vallée, warmly hosted the meeting in its facilities for this first meeting. It was an opportunity for all the partners to review the main phases, their tasks and responsibilities and to establish deadlines
Now, the project is launched!